Spec-Check Aggregate Testing Kit

Spec-Check® was developed by Presby Environmental and is a portable, hand-operated device used for sorting/grading a sample of aggregate, sand or other particulate material in order to determine whether a sample meets a specification for an intended use. Unlike a lab analysis, the Spec-Check® does not need the sample to be oven-dried to remove all its moisture content. The device is small and easy to operate, making onsite examination of materials a quick and cost-effective alternative to expensive and time-consuming sieve analyses by a laboratory. A Spec-Check® analysis gives a “go / no-go” indication in order to assist the user in determining whether the material can be used for a particular purpose, if a full sieve analysis is required, or if an alternative supply of aggregate is needed.

Price: $375.00

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  • Weight: 8 lbs
  • Dimensions: 8L X 8W X 13D

How Spec-Check® Works:

Spec-Check® septic sand sampling enables the user to evaluate the sand quickly, onsite and before construction proceeds in order to determine whether the supplied material meets specs.

  • Spec-Check® consists of an integrated system of screens of various sizes contained inside a transparent container.
  • A sand sample is applied along with a small amount of water; after the device is agitated for a few minutes, the sample will be sorted based on the particle sizes of its content.
  • A Spec-Check® analysis gives a “go / no-go” indication in order to assist the user in determining whether the material can be used for a particular purpose, if a full sieve analysis is required, or if an alternative supply of aggregate is needed.


  • Unlike a lab analysis, the Spec-Check® does not need the sample to be oven-dried to remove all its moisture content.
  • The device is small and easy to operate, making onsite examination of materials a quick and cost-effective alternative to expensive and time-consuming sieve analyses by a laboratory.
  • Less than 10 minute cycle
  • Inexpensive